Tuesday 15 October 2013

Ore and Wood


Ore deposits are found across the lands of Middle-earth. Prospectors have the ability to Track Mines, and process the ore using Prospector's Tools. Normal ore deposits yield 1 to 3 ore, while Rich/Bountiful ore deposits yield 4 to 6 ore and are more likely to also yield crafting materials such as dye materials, gems, and mastery components. Prospectors have the skill to smelt ore into ingots for other professions. Metalsmiths, Weaponsmiths, and Jewellers can use these ingots to craft items.

Ore Deposit Tier Ore Materials Dye Materials Gems Mastery Components Locations
Copper Deposit
Chunk of Copper Ore Pile of Copper Salts Agate Chunk of Grey Rock-salt
Chunk of Crude Brimstone
Crude Whetstone Most of Ered Luin, The Shire, lower-level areas of Bree-land
Tin Deposit
Chunk of Tin Ore Piece of Sienna Amethyst Chunk of Grey Rock-salt
Chunk of Crude Brimstone
Crude Whetstone Most of Ered Luin, The Shire, lower-level areas of Bree-land
Barrow-iron Deposit
Chunk of Barrow-iron Ore Piece of Umber Bloodstone Chunk of White Rock-salt
Chunk of Pale Brimstone
Small Whetstone NE Ered Luin, NE Shire, all except lower-level areas of Bree-land, Western Lone-lands, Western North Downs
Silver Deposit
Chunk of Silver Ore - Opal Chunk of White Rock-salt
Chunk of Pale Brimstone
Small Whetstone NE Ered Luin, NE Shire, all except lower-level areas of Bree-land, Western Lone-lands, Western North Downs
Rich Iron Deposit
Chunk of Rich Iron Ore - Ruby Chunk of Clear Rock-salt
Chunk of Dark Brimstone
Flat Whetstone Central and Eastern areas of the Lone-lands and North Downs, Eastern Evendim, South and East lake shores in NE Bree-land
Gold Deposit
Chunk of Gold Ore - Sapphire Chunk of Clear Rock-salt
Chunk of Dark Brimstone
Flat Whetstone Central and Eastern areas of the Lone-lands and North Downs, Eastern Evendim, South and East lake shores in NE Bree-land
Dwarf-iron Deposit
Chunk of Dwarf-iron Ore - Adamant Chunk of Yellow Rock-salt
Chunk of Prilled Brimstone
Round Whetstone The Trollshaws, Western Misty Mountains, Western Angmar, Western Evendim, South-eastern tip of the Lone-lands
Platinum Deposit
Chunk of Platinum Ore - Adamant Chunk of Yellow Rock-salt
Chunk of Prilled Brimstone
Round Whetstone The Trollshaws, Western Misty Mountains, Western Angmar, Western Evendim, South-eastern tip of the Lone-lands
Ancient Iron Deposit
Chunk of Ancient Iron Ore
Ancient Nickel Ore (rare) Pile of Ancient Iron Oxides Beryl Chunk of Blue Rock-salt
Chunk of Dusty Brimstone
Soft Whetstone Eastern Misty Mountains, Eastern Angmar, Forochel, Northern Eregion
Ancient Silver Deposit
Chunk of Ancient Silver Ore - Beryl
Moonstone (rare) Chunk of Blue Rock-salt
Chunk of Dusty Brimstone
Soft Whetstone Eastern Misty Mountains, Eastern Angmar, Forochel, Northern Eregion
Khazâd-copper Deposit
Chunk of Khazâd-copper Ore - Aquamarine Chunk of Pink Rock-salt
Chunk of Bright Brimstone
Hard Whetstone
Mithril Flake* Southern Eregion, Moria
Khazâd-tin Deposit
Chunk of Khazâd-tin Ore - Aquamarine Chunk of Pink Rock-salt
Chunk of Bright Brimstone
Hard Whetstone
Mithril Flake* Southern Eregion, Moria
Khazâd-iron Deposit
Chunk of Khazâd-iron Ore Chunk of Lime Dawn-rose Chunk of Pink Rock-salt
Chunk of Bright Brimstone
Hard Whetstone
Mithril Flake* Southern Eregion, Redhorn Lodes (Moria), Lothlórien, Mirkwood, Enedwaith
Khazâd-gold Deposit
Chunk of Khazâd-gold Ore - Dawn-rose Chunk of Pink Rock-salt
Chunk of Bright Brimstone
Hard Whetstone
Mithril Flake* Southern Eregion, Redhorn Lodes (Moria), Lothlórien, Mirkwood, Enedwaith
Skarn Deposit
Chunk of Low-grade Skarn Ore
Chunk of High-grade Skarn Ore (rare) - Green Garnet Cracked Rhi Helvarch Sigil* Dunland, Gap of Rohan, Isengard, Nan Curunír, The Great River
Riddermark Deposit
Chunk of Low-grade Riddermark Ore
Chunk of High-grade Riddermark Ore (rare) - Red Agate Tarnished Crest of Rohan* East Rohan; Wildermore
* A very rare component.


Wood can be found across the lands of Middle-earth. Foresters have the ability to Track Wood and harvest it using their Forester's Axe. Normal branches typically yield 1 to 3 branches, while heavy branches can yield up to 6 branches and occasionally kindling materials. Both types of branches can sometimes yield 1+ mastery components used by Tailors and Woodworkers. Foresters have the skill to treat wood for other professions. Other professions, such as Woodworker, can then create items from the treated wood.

Wood Deposits Tier Wood Materials Mastery Components Location(s)
Rowan Branches 1 Log of Rowan Wood Drop of Sticky Resin
Common Flax Fibre South Ered Luin, The Shire, Central Bree-land
Ash Branches 2 Log of Ash Wood Drop of Ashy Resin
Bree Flax Fibre North Ered Luin, Edges of Bree-land, The Barrow-downs, West Lone-lands, West North Downs
Yew Branches 3 Log of Yew Wood Drop of Amber Resin
Pale Flax Fibre East Lone-lands, East North Downs, East Evendim
Lebethron Branches 4 Log of Lebethron Wood Drop of Black Resin
Yellow Flax Fibre The Trollshaws, West Evendim, West Angmar, South-East The Lone-lands, West Misty Mountains
Black Ash Branches 5 Log of Black Ash Wood
Black Ash Heartwood
Spider Silk Drop of Soft Resin
Golden Flax Fibre East Misty Mountains, East Angmar, Eregion
Ilex Branches 6 Log of Ilex Wood Drop of Hard Resin
Fairy Flax Fibre Eregion, Moria
Mallorn Branches 6 Log of Mallorn Wood Drop of Hard Resin
Fairy Flax Fibre Moria, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, Enedwaith
Birch Branches 7 Gnarled Birch Branch
Birch Sapwood Branch Drop of Birch-tar Enedwaith, Dunland, The Great River
Oak Branches 8 Log of Oak Wood
Oak Sapwood Branch Piece of Oak Bark East Rohan

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